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Ian Warden's Gang Gang: Canberra Times 28 April 2015


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Gang-gang. In defence of the Dawn Service numbers

Breakfast at Ginninderra FallsNoticing our discussion, artist Rod Usback sends us this painting (a scoop for us, since it is yet to be exhibited anywhere) of a male and female Gang-gang juxtaposed with a famous local waterfall. It was intended for a looming exhibition (since postponed) organised by the Ginninderra Falls Association.

"I thought you would be interested," he muses, "in what might be a helpful follow up to your disappointment at the absence of the 'fairer sex' Gang-gangs in the Bunda Street paintings. I haven't titled mine yet, but will name it something like Breakfast at Ginninderra Falls."

He thinks the Ginninderra Falls connection is noteworthy, in light of the recent announcement that the NSW government has given Yass Valley Council the go-ahead to join with the ACT government in thinking of a possible cross-border suburb at Parkwood.

He thinks "It will be important to keep nature and the environmental values of the Falls area to the fore in such development."

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