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Murrumbidgee - Ginninderra Gorges National Park: Information Note 68

The Ginninderra Falls Association (GFA) has considerable concerns about the current investigation into the Western Edge of the ACT. This area extends from Denman Prospect and Kama Nature Reserve west along the lower Molonglo River to the junction with the Murrumbidgee. It then runs southwards between the suburbs of the Molonglo Valley and Weston Creek on the east and the Murrumbidgee River on the west. The area continues down to Tuggeranong at Kambah Pool Road. The narrow existing nature reserves along the river appear to be excluded from the investigation.

Murrumbidgee - Ginninderra Gorges National Park: Information Note 67

This newsletter comes with the sad news of the loss of two people who have provided assistance of different kinds over the years. Recently, on 30 Jan 2021, was the death of Jerry Olsen, a long-time researcher of the Little Eagle. His work was relevant to our concerns about the Ginninderry proposal to build housing adjacent to a large tree behind the Strathnairn Arts Centre which was used for nesting by a pair of Little Eagles.